Trap/Neuter/Return or TNR is the only known effective and humane way to stablize and reduce feral or stray cat populations and improve the health and welfare of the cats in feral colonies. With this method, feral or community cats are trapped in humane traps, taken to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies and other infectious diseases, the tip of the left ear is surgically removed, and once recovered from anesthesia, returned to their outdoor homes. Follow the link below to learn more.
Are there feral cats in your area? If you are interested in helping reduce the number of unwanted and sick kittens in the community, contact us about volunteering to trap cats in your community at ppawappointments@gmail.com or 865-856-7729. We can teach you how to safely trap cats and possibly even loan traps from the clinic.
If you would like to contribute to this cause, but you cannot trap, please consider a donation to help us continue this community program.

Many of our financial partners recognize the importance of TNR for animal welfare, and have granted funds to provide free spay/neuter and vaccinations to feral or community cats. A big thank you to PetCo, PetSafe, Bissell Pet Foundation, Athletes for Animals, and the Fouche Foundation for their continued support of TNR.

The Fouche Foundation
Community cats that have been spayed or neutered have the tip of their left ear surgically removed to identify them as fixed. This allows trappers to know that they have already been fixed so they can be released to reduce stress and unnecessary anesthesia. So when you see a cat with an ear tip, smile, because you know that cat will not be producing kittens, and someone cared enough to give that gift.